AquaDeck will drain the new 83 metre span River Moy Bridge on the N26 Cloongullane Scheme
Contractor – BAM Civils
Client – Mayo County Council
Consultants – AECOM/Roughan & O’Donovan
Product: 600 AquaDeck units

Our recent success in Ireland continues as Eccles secure the order to supply our AquaDeck bridge drainage system on the new River Moy bridge, which is being built by BAM Civils as part of their N26 Cloonguallane project.
The scheme includes the realignment of some 1.8km of the N26 carriageway as well as the new structure spanning the River Moy.
Approximately 600 AquaDeck units will carry the surface water drainage from the bridge, including special expansion fabrications to cross the movement joints.
Installation of the AquaDeck system was completed in March 2022.
N26 River Moy Bridge Beam Installation (video produced by BAM Ireland)