AquaDeck selected for 130m viaduct drainage
Last year we were approached by Amey, working alongside Staffordshire County Council, to take a look at the drainage requirements on a 130m stretch of viaduct, which forms part of the Staffordshire Western Access Road improvement scheme.
Our customers and partners often turn to us for expert consultation and advice, and so the team went down to the site to carry out a full hydraulic design based on DMRB guidelines.
Eccles’ AquaDeck Division carried out a full hydraulic design based on DMRB guidelines enabling us to propose our AquaDeck 450mm wide system as the most cost-effective solution for the project.

AquaDeck 450mm wide combined kerb drainage system is the most cost-effective solution for this project
In addition, we designed and manufactured a unique expansion joint assembly to transfer the surface water run-off through the expansion joint at the low end of the deck where the flows would be at their highest.
Our new expansion joint ensured maximum drainage capacity through the joint with minimal restriction of flow, an issue which is often faced with these types of installations.

AquaDeck Project Director, Chris Rothery said:
‘The design flows on this structure were quite high so we needed to move away from our traditional flexible pipe design expansion joint to maximize drainage flows across the bridge joint.
‘Our new expansion joint design ensured maximum drainage capacity through the joint with minimal restriction of flow, an issue often faced with these types of installations.’
Drone footage* has been captured of the site throughout the construction period. This gives a fantastic view of the structure, and also you can see the new line of AquaDeck units in situ all across the kerbline on the deck.
*Video footage courtesy of Amey.